Market Analysis and Concept Study for the Innovative "Reutlingen Intermodal Terminal (RiT)"

Market Analysis and Concept Study for the Innovative "Reutlingen Intermodal Terminal (RiT)"


The City of Reutlingen developed a plan for an innovative high-performance intermodal terminal to master logistical challenges while contributing to achieving relevant emission targets. Key elements of the RiT were very short train turn times, high storage density, minimised emissions and a high level of automation.

Tasks Performed

  • Market analysis on current and future cargo volumes
  • Derivation of market potential based on stakeholder interviews
  • Development of a terminal layout
  • Definition of material flows within the terminal
  • Identification of needed equipment on the terminal
  • Investment cost calculation of the terminal
  • Risk analysis


HPC investigated the market potential for RiT and developed a tailor-made operations concept based on innovative cargo handling technologies.

HPC's Expertise:
Market Assessment & Forecasting

Reutlingen, Germany

City of Reutlingen

Financed by:

03/2019 - 06/2019

Project Team

Dr. Nils Kemme
Dr. Nils Kemme

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Dr. Stephan Hofmann
Dr. Stephan Hofmann

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