Qualified Engineer for the Mogadishu Port Rehabilitation Project

Qualified Engineer for the Mogadishu Port Rehabilitation Project


Mogadishu Port Authority (MPA) and Turkish Albayrak Group agreed on a 5-year, US$ 50m rehabilitation and investment program covering marine infrastructure, terminal superstructure and various types of equipment, incl. installing a new IT system/TOS in the Port of Mogadishu.

Tasks Performed

  • Assist the Concessionaire in purchasing major equipment, incl. tender & and contracting assistance, assistance in final testing and handing over
  • Assist the Concessionaire in purchasing and implementing a Terminal Operating System (TOS) for Mogadishu
  • Prepare a tentative work programme, review and approve the Concessionaire's annual implementation plan and review his maintenance and replacement regime for equipment


HPC closely monitors the investment programme and advises the MPA on the continuing rehabilitation with the Concessionaire and future developments forward.

HPC's Expertise:
IT Procurement, Equipment Procurement

Mogadishu, Somalia

Ministry of Ports & Marine Transport

Financed by:

11/2020 – 01/2025

Project Team

Olaf Schulz
Olaf Schulz

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Torsten Neubert
Torsten Neubert

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Ehab Habib
Ehab Habib

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