Feasibility Study for CO2-Free Trucks

Feasibility Study for CO2-Free Trucks


CHI awarded HPC to conduct a feasibility study to analyze and evaluate investment in climate-neutral (CO2-free) trucks. In the second phase, HPC supported the Client in the funding application for a battery-electric truck and a rapid charging station.

Tasks Performed

  • Market analysis of CO2-free truck manufacturers
  • Selection of one battery- and one H2-truck & comparison with diesel reference truck
  • Economical analysis
  • Analysis of infrastructure for each concept (battery/H2)
  • Final recommendation to the Client
  • Application for funding of one (1) battery-electric truck and one 300 kW fast charging station to be installed at CHI's yard


With their thorough analysis and recommendation, HPC supported CHI in selecting the best suitable equipment for their purpose. By investing in a battery-electric truck, CHI is sending a clear signal to its competitors in the transport and logistics sectors.

HPC's Expertise:
Co-Funding Application & Administration Support, CSRD Support

Frankfurt/Main, Germany

CHI Trucking Services GmbH

Financed by:

05/2022 - 08/2022

Project Team

Alexander Koschinsky
Alexander Koschinsky

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Hartmut Beyer
Hartmut Beyer

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