Financial Administration & Project Management for “Railway Terminal & LNG Facility Studies”
PLT received co-funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to contribute to the extension of port capacity and improve hinterland connections. PLT assigned HPC with the overall project management to ensure that all designs are coordinated with the operational requirements of the PLT terminals.
Tasks Performed
- Project coordination and management
- Milestone control
- Regular communication with INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)
- Documentation of budget spending, tracking and safeguarding of invoices
- Support in setting up the project-related controlling
- Preparation of invoicing documents and of the required templates
- Support in compiling the required interim and final reports
By taking care of the overall project administration related to co-financing, HPC saved PLT time to focus on innovative tasks such as a port-rail data exchange system and the design of an LNG bunkering facility.
HPC's Expertise:
Co-Funding Application & Administration Support
Trieste, Italy
PLT Piattaforma Logistica Trieste S.r.l.
Financed by:
10/2020 - 10/2022