TerminalStar Integrated Terminal Control System
The Challenge
TerminalStar software is applied as the new Integrated Terminal Control System (Integriertes Terminal Steuerungssystem – ITS) at HHLA's biggest Container Terminal Burchardkai (CTB). Solution providers HPC and INFORM had been chosen to implement their software product for the control of all terminal logistics processes as the new terminal operating system (TOS) at CTB. HPC's activities comprised storage optimization by IT-supported stacking policies, changing to an automated RMG yard, integration of software into newly designed and existing systems, conversion to operate mixed equipment (automated and man-driven), control of cargo and traffic flow on the new terminal as well as the establishment of simulation and test-beds for quality assurance and seamless transition while commissioning. CTB's terminal extension was set up as a multidisciplinary project with complex tasks in civil engineering, procurement and implementation of new handling equipment, development of new operation strategies and various tunings of interfaces and processes.
Tasks Performed
- Terminal automation
- Optimised yard planning
- Equipment control
- IT architecture for EAI
- Implementation of operations control stand
- Quality assurance
- Simulation
- Terminal Operating System extensions to meet non-standard requirements
- Tailor-made software automation modules make automated operation possible
- Software systems that meet the requirements of CTB's operations people
HPC's Expertise:
IT Consulting
Hamburg, Germany
HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai GmbH
Financed by:
12/2005 - 12/2009