Hatch Clerk App for Container Terminal Tollerort, Hamburg

Hatch Clerk App for Container Terminal Tollerort, Hamburg


Aiming to increase waterside productivity further and reduce paperwork to a minimum, HHLA’s Container Terminal Tollerort decided to support vessel hatch clerk operations using tablet PCs instead of hardcopy bay plans. HPC developed new software for tablet PCs to help hatch clerks record container moves off the vessel and confirm loaded container stowage positions.

Tasks Performed

  • Developed the software for hatch clerk tablets to be used at CTT
  • Supported the client during the testing phase
  • Continued support after implementation under a Service Level Agreement
  • Established a service desk for fast resolution of client requests


Thanks to the new hatch clerk app, users can record container moves and the final stowage position of containers digitally on board.

HPC's Expertise:
Hatch Clerk App, Change Management, IT Design & Implementation

Hamburg, Germany

HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH (CTT)

Financed by:

09/2020 - 05/2026

Project Team

Amaresh Sahu
Amaresh Sahu

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