Technical and Commercial Transaction Advisory Services for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project

Technical and Commercial Transaction Advisory Services for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project


The Client proposed constructing and operating a new three-berth marine container terminal at Roberts Bank in Delta, BC. Located next to the existing Deltaport and Westshore Terminals, it would provide an additional 2.4m TEU of container capacity per year.  HPC supported the development of the terminal reference design and operations planning, incl. advice on terminal operator market engagement.

Tasks Performed

  • Checked existing operations concept and elaborated a new model
  • Carried out simulations (e.g. quay simulations)
  • Tug operations impact analysis
  • Assessed and outlined container terminal operator landscape
  • Defined world-class port/terminal requirements
  • Provided financial modelling support
  • Supported risk assessments and quantification
  • Elaborated a terminal operator schedule
  • Supported the development of the terminal operator framework


With our specialized expertise in port concessions and the port operations market, we help our Client develop a commercial and contractual set-up in line with international best practices and considering our Client's aspirations.

HPC's Expertise:
Quay Simulation, Operational Assessment

Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Financed by:

07/2020 - 10/2024

Project Team

Dr. Elisabeth Schoppmann
Dr. Elisabeth Schoppmann

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Dr. Sven Barckhahn
Dr. Sven Barckhahn

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Patrick Specht
Patrick Specht

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Christoph Schoppmann
Christoph Schoppmann

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Malte Steenbeck
Malte Steenbeck

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