Quay Simulation Analysis for PTP Malaysia

Quay Simulation Analysis for PTP Malaysia


Major clients had asked PTP to increase the number of triple-E-ready berths. Considering the huge investment requirements for new quay cranes, PTP assigned HPC to verify the need by means of simulation and to determine the optimal number and position of such cranes to achieve the desired service level.

Tasks Performed

  • Forecast expected ULCV services for PTP
  • Assess need for additional ULCV quay cranes
  • Determine optimal number and location
  • Establish max quay capacity


HPC verified the need for additional quay cranes and identified the best position for new cranes and other potential for improvement.

HPC's Expertise:
Quay Simulation

Johor, Malaysia

Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas

Financed by:

03/2018 – 05/2018

Project Team

Dr. Nils Kemme
Dr. Nils Kemme

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Maxim Neiser
Maxim Neiser

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Christina Prieser
Christina Prieser

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