Support in the Development of a Digital Master Plan for the Port of Açu

Support in the Development of a Digital Master Plan for the Port of Açu


Port of Açu asked HPC to support the development of a five to ten years concept for the port’s technological platform and ecosystem. The focus was on exploring operations, attracting new and technologically aligned businesses, and establishing a governance plan and systems architecture.

Tasks Performed

  • Assessed the port's current technological maturity based on Smart Port Trend Clusters
  • Benchmarking with selected suitable reference ports
  • Developed a digital vision for the Port of Açu
  • Recommended new digital services, including mapping to the port's current business areas


HPC supported the Port of Açu in developing a Digital Growth Masterplan, thus increasing their efficiency.

HPC's Expertise:
Digitalization Roadmap, IT Strategy

Açu, Brazil

Radix US LLC

Financed by:

04/2021 - 06/2021

Project Team

Sarah Voss
Sarah Voss

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Pablo Bowen
Pablo Bowen

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Dr. Jennifer Sommer
Dr. Jennifer Sommer

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