Requirements Engineering for TOS and VBS for St. John’s Terminal
As a leading provider of intermodal transportation solutions to Newfoundland and Labrador, Oceanex appointed HPC to define the business processes at their St. John’s Terminal. The project focussed on identifying the changes required to eliminate inefficiencies in the processes and elaborate the requirements of suitable systems.
Tasks Performed
- Identified process landscape for terminal planning & operations
- On-site analysis of the current operational processes
- Business process modelling of as-is processes
- Design and business process modelling of to-be processes
- Evaluated current and design of the future IT system landscape
- Deducted and prioritised functional and integrational requirements of the future terminal operating system (TOS) and vehicle booking system (VBS) to be implemented at this terminal.
By defining the necessary business processes, HPC provided Oceanex the basis for further decision-making as to a suitable TOS and VBS.
HPC's Expertise:
IT Design, Business Process Modelling (BPM)
St. John's, Canada
Oceanex Inc.
Financed by:
03/2020 - 12/2020