Operations Concept Review for a Dry Port in Ukraine
HPC reviewed an operations concept and layout for a greenfield rail terminal envisioned to handle containers, dry bulk & general cargo. The main objective was to identify whether the existing concept was meeting the market's demand regarding terminal capacities & operational requirements and relying on realistic financial assumptions.
Tasks Performed
- Preparation of assumptions framework
- Analysis of operational processes
- Capacity assessment
- Identification of potential bottlenecks
- Review of cost estimates
- Identification of savings potential
- Appraisal of alternative handling concept
HPC prepared a financial appraisal, focusing on expected Capex and Opex, which provided the Client with information on whether the underlying business case was sustainable.
HPC's Expertise:
Terminal Operations
Mostyska, Ukraine
Levada LLC
Financed by:
12/2019 - 02/2020
Project Team