Feasibility Study for Berths 8-11 of Dar es Salaam Port
To provide for growth in container trade, Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) planned to develop an additional container terminal (berths 12-15) on the western side of the port of Dar es Salaam. This project will also include deepening and possible widening of the entrance and all navigation channels within the port up to the site of the new berths. The entrance and navigation channels will be designed to accommodate full-size Post Panamax container vessels. Accordingly, the project aims to investigate the most efficient option to deepen and strengthen the container terminal located at berths 8-11 with the view of increasing its capacity to handle the above-mentioned container vessels to cater for anticipated container traffic. The general objective of the consultancy services was to provide a technical, financial, and environmental feasibility assessment on the most suitable method of strengthening and deepening of berths 8-11 from the current level of approximately 11 m to 15.5 m below CD.
Tasks Performed
- Identify container traffic flows in the East African Community
- Analyse container traffic volume/vessel mix & estimate future growth
- Review & analyse all available TPA data on ship calls at the port
- Assess future yard/gate capacities, gate & overall yard traffic flows
- Analyse social & environmental viability for berth modernisation
- Economic & financial analysis considering whole-life costs and future throughput trends based on the existing rates
- Moderate/facilitate continuous communication with/between TPA, the operator TICTS and other stakeholders
HPC prepared a choice of the best ways to rehabilitate berths 8-11 in mutual consent with the private terminal operator.
HPC's Expertise:
Pre-Feasibility & Feasibility Studies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Due Diligence, Port Development Planning
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA)
Financed by:
08/2021 - 07/2022