Container Terminal Enhancement & Development Plan for LPC
HPC was engaged to provide LPC with a key strategic basis for the future terminal layout development impacting near and long-term decisions.
Tasks Performed
- Identified short-term improvement areas
- Elaborated various alternative operations concepts and layouts
- Assessed hinterland connectivity and infrastructure capacities
- Developed phasing concept for conversion during operations
- Scoping requirements for brownfield conversion of yard operations towards fully automated handling
- Operational and financial assessment of alternatives
- Determined development roadmap for short, medium and long-term initiatives
- Considered critical change management aspects
We developed a demand-focused, staged and investment-optimised terminal development plan to support the growth of LPC’s business.
HPC's Expertise:
Terminal Planning & Logistics
Christchurch, New Zealand
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch
Financed by:
10/2019 - 11/2019