Capacity Calculation for the Intermodal Terminal Basel Wolf

Capacity Calculation for the Intermodal Terminal Basel Wolf

The Challenge

SBB Cargo and HUPAC are jointly operating the intermodal terminal Basel Wolf in Basel, Switzerland. Being confronted with increasing volumes on intermodal railway routes to and from the Northern Europe ports, and considering the fact that the big expansion projects Basel Nord and Limmattal were not to be available before 2015, the terminal operators were seeking for easily realisable capacity increase of their terminal Basel Wolf. For that purpose, SBB Cargo assigned HPC to analyse the actual terminal handling capacity and to develop alternative options for a cost-efficient increase of this terminal capacity, taking into account very limited areas for expansion and a comparable short residual term of operation for that facility.

Tasks Performed

  • Analysis of SBB based volume and schedule forecast
  • Analysis of terminal operating pattern for SBB Cargo and HUPAC part of the facility
  • Calculation of as-is capacities for SBB Cargo and HUPAC part of the terminal
  • Development of alternative options for increasing the terminal capacities
  • Calculation of required resources for capacity increase


  • Improved operations concept
  • Increased terminal capacity
  • Reduced operating cost

HPC's Expertise:
Terminal, Planning & Logistics

Basel, Switzerland

SBB Cargo

Financed by:

08/2012 - 10/2013

Project Team

Dr. Nils Kemme
Dr. Nils Kemme

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