PPP Technical Assistance Support to the Government of East Timor

PPP Technical Assistance Support to the Government of East Timor


Next to upgrading and extending the port facilities and equipment, the Timorese government decided to implement more efficient management and operations procedures, which in turn requires well-qualified staff in all the different areas of port management and operations. In Timor Leste, two entities under the Ministry of Transport (MTC) are in charge of administration of the maritime sector. These are the Directorate of National Maritime Transport or DNTM as the Maritime Authority and APORTIL, which is the Port Authority and Port Operator. The overall objective of the project conducted by HPC was to improve the management and operational capacities of APORTIL and DNTM and to contribute to a smooth transfer of cargo and container operations from Dili Port to the new port at Tibar Bay.

Tasks Performed

  • Review of the organizational structure of APORTIL and DNTM within the Ministry of Transport
  • Review and analysis of the personnel currently working at Dili Port and all other ports of Timor Leste
  • Identification of training needs for the direct employees of APORTIL, DNTM and the stevedores operating at Dili Port
  • Review of the current port management and operations at Dili Port and recommendations to improve the current port management, port safety and operations of Dili Port
  • Set-up of a transitioning plan for the cargo and terminal operations from Dili Port to Tibar Bay Port and a plan for the transformation of Dili Port into a domestic ferry port
  • Review of current port management and operations of all other existing and future ports of Timor Leste, including their expansion or rehabilitation plans
  • Review of the current tariff structure at Dili Port and other ports in Timor Leste
  • Estimation of a budget for APORTIL for the next 5 years
  • Support for the development of DNTM in its role as regulator for ports in Timor-Leste
  • Estimation of a budget for DNTM's functions as regulator for Tibar Bay Port and other ports


  • Attentive supervision of the concessionaire securing efficient port operations and capacity building inside the supervising authority

HPC's Expertise:
Organisation, Personnel & Training

Dili, East Timor

World Bank

Financed by:

10/2014 - 04/2015

Project Team

Dr. Martin Schramm
Dr. Martin Schramm

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Helga Wagner
Helga Wagner

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