Software for Tablet PCs to Support Vessel Hatch Clerk Operations
The Challenge
Aiming for further increase in waterside productivity, more flexibility for changes during operations and reduction of paperwork to a minimum, HHLA’s semi-automated Container Terminal Burchardkai (CTB) decided to support vessel hatch clerk operations by using tablet PCs on board instead of hardcopy bay plans. HPC developed new software for tablet PCs to support hatch clerks recording container moves off the vessel and confirming actual stowage positions of loaded containers.
Tasks Performed
- Project management
- Requirements engineering in close collaboration with key users
- Software development using agile methods
- Quality assurance
- Release management
- Change management
- Regular presentations and iterative delivery of features
- Support during go-live of new releasesOptimised yard planning
- Smooth switch between online and offline mode
- Real-time updates of container data and stowage plans as well as continuous functionality
- Enhanced process flexibility towards short-noticed changes in the stowage plan
- Automated data transmission by integration into CTB's terminal logistics system, TERMINALSTAR (also provided by HPC)
- Improved data distribution to CTB's stakeholders
HPC's Expertise:
Hatch Clerk App, IT Design
Hamburg, Germany
HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai GmbH
Finanziert durch:
01/2015 - 08/2015