Change Management Support for Port of Helsingborg

Change Management Support for Port of Helsingborg


Being aware of the upcoming changes in their organization due to the new TOS and new processes, Port of Helsingborg (PoH) asked HPC to support them in managing the organizational changes.

Tasks Performed

  • Develop a change management concept
  • Standard operating procedures SOPs
  • List of roles with level of task changes


With their support, HPC enabled the Port to fully benefit from their new TOS, providing PoH management with a holistic overview of all dimensions of the change management process.

HPC's Expertise:
TOS Optimization

Helsingborg, Sweden

Helsingborg Hamn AB

Financed by:

02/2022 - 05/2022

Project Team

Ehab Habib
Ehab Habib

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Frank Busse
Frank Busse

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