Elaboration of Basics for an Air Transport Concept for the German Federal Government
The Challenge
This project was elaborated by HPC’s former subsidiary UNICONSULT Universal Transport Consulting. Both companies combined their competencies and services in the course of a merger in July 2017.
The German Federal Government desired to strengthen the German aviation industry with the help of an air transport concept. The concept needed to consider at least three development trends that were gaining more and more importance, such as the needs of the residents in the vicinity of airports including the general requirement to protect the environment, the fiscal aspects including taxes for air transport and the upcoming trade of emission rights as well as the rising competitive pressure from foreign airlines and hub airports (especially from Abu Dhabi, Doha, Dubai and Istanbul).
Tasks Performed
- Detailed status-quo market analysis, considering German airlines and airports as well as competitors from abroad, including analysis of legal framework conditions
- Analysis of the air transport sector’s value for the German economy (airlines, airports as well as aircraft manufacturers and aircraft maintenance companies) including analysis of the air transport sector’s role for mobility and logistics
- Description of development trends in the air transport industry (strategies of airlines and airports, technical developments)
- Development of a matrix of possible measures for the Federal Government to influence the framework conditions
- Analysis of scenarios for the German air transport industry under consideration of measures of the Federal Government to influence the framework conditions
HPC carefully analysed the various aspects of the German air transport industry. Independent and scientifically sound research combined with our broad expertise in air transport markets and relevant stakeholders involved provided the Client with a sound basis for decision-making in terms of developing a strategic air transport policy that ensures the competitiveness of air transportation in Germany.
HPC's Expertise:
Airports, Market Assessment & Forecasting
Berlin, Germany
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Digitale Infrastruktur Federal Ministry for Traffic and Digital Infrastructure
Finanziert durch:
04/2015 - 12/2015