Business Process Modelling for a Terminal Operations System (TOS)

Business Process Modelling for a Terminal Operations System (TOS)


To meet the demand of increased productivity and develop added value for the customers, Port of Helsingborg wanted to streamline their processes and operational IT systems. HPC elaborated the to-be business processes and – on this basis – specified the requirements for a TOS.

Tasks Performed

  • Review of “as-is” business processes
  • Identification of the process landscape for planning/operations
  • Design and modelling of “to-be” business processes in BPMN 2.0, Level 2
  • Specification and prioritisation of functional, technical, interface and organisational requirements of the future TOS


The Client used the detailed TOS requirements and business processes designed by HPC as the primary technical input for the RFP to ensure selecting the most suitable TOS solution benefiting the terminal.

HPC's Expertise:
IT Design, Business Process Management (BPM)

Helsingborg, Sweden

Helsingborg Hamn AB

Finanziert durch:

09/2019 - 02/2020
